KAILI CARE is a company that was founded in 2010 with the purpose to satisfy the foreigner market demand. From 6 years we take care of the most important countries in the world with the goal of offering the best products for the personal care supported by a professional Multi-language service.



Our goal is not just to sell but to understand your local business culture in order to support you in the right selection of items organizing in a professional way the sales in your market.

We are one of the most developed manufacturer of razors and all kind of bags with a production experience of more than 30 years with the same passion we have chosen the best partner to offer you competitive price and high quality products.



KAILI CARE will follow your order from the A to the Z personalizing your item, your packaging, promoting to you new item with new unique selling point to make your selection exclusive. If you are looking for a partner to develop new items we are also organized to create new line of products with the support of a professional designer team. KAILI CARE is not just an option, we are your eyes your brain and your hands in China!